All-flash performance storage on affordable price combined with excellent support! This is what Coreix was searching and what they got with StorPool.
Coreix Limited is a London-based managed service and network provider. Part of their portfolio are also services like hosting, colocation and cloud. Coreix offers secure, agile, scalable and robust hosting solutions. Its clients are in sectors ranging from enterprise and financial services to healthcare and government. Coreix offers tailored hardware and software solutions. From single dedicated servers to managed multi-server clusters, as well as public and private cloud services.
Coreix customers required an all-flash performance storage
Coreix provides services mainly to enterprises. Due to this, their customers required Coreix to meet specific requirements. Before StorPool they met issues with their storage platform. Coreix was not able to meet the enterprise-grade requirements and the need for all-flash performance on affordable cost for the end customer. Speed, reliability, and scalability, as well as cost-efficiency, were the top criteria when it came to selecting a new storage solution.
The storage problem
Part of the issues Coreix met was:
- insufficient IOPS
- scalability issues
- resilience issues
How enterprise-grade storage should work
According to Paul Davies, the Technical Director of Coreix, with StorPool everything was a lot more scalable. Moreover, Coreix can invest in smaller chunks and add more capacity when they need such. The biggest change was a fundamental increase in the performance of their cloud platform. As a conclusion, all customers, who need all-flash performance storage will get it. Furthermore, they will get it for the fraction of the cost.
Will Coreix recommend StorPool?
“The technical support is amazing. The product delivers exactly what they promise.”, said Paul Davies, Technical Director of Coreix. In conclusion, now they easily offer enterprise solutions, said Davies.
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