Storage for a Blazingly Fast and
Reliable Public Cloud

With StorPool Storage all public cloud providers get
cost-efficient all flash performance! Our systems start
from 500 000+ IOPS and 0.2 ms of latency!


SSD Public Cloud unlike any other

High speed is one of the main concerns when building a cloud. Speed means a better service, less support time and effort, more word of mouth growth. And most importantly it means happy customers and growing business.
In specific, low latency is the key “speed” metric. The lower the latency, the faster the applications running on this infrastructure. Also the lower the latency, the more CPU & RAM are spared, which increases the overall hardware utilization of the entire cloud.
StorPool is designed form the ground up to provide public cloud builders with the fastest and most resource efficient software-defined distributed storage on the market. It eliminates the need to use an expensive SAN or AFA (All Flash Array).
StorPool is a shared storage system which can help you differentiate you offering from any other Cloud on the market, in terms of speed, reliability and efficiency.

The benefits of building a Public Cloud with StorPool software-defined storage

By using StorPool’s distributed, software-defined storage (SDS) or you Public Cloud you can overcome the traditional pain points in the cloud industry. Your cloud will be unmatched in speed and reliability, with no single point of failure. This will help you to easily meet the needs of the most demanding, enterprise-grade customers.

By adopting StorPool’s leading SDS technology, any Cloud company can reduce vendor lock-in and scale-out their storage system, which adapts to the company’s needs. All public cCoud builders using StorPool are able to increase their business agility and flexibility. Another big advantage is optimizing TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), which helps your Cloud to sell better services, at a competitive price!

Legacy Cloud Architecture

Software-Defined Cloud/VPS

The competitive advantages you will gain when building a software-defined public cloud or VPS service

The public cloud market is an extremely competitive business. As a cloud hosting provider you need to compete with local and global Cloud players. Building a cloud with software-defined distributed storage solution is the only way to stay competitive in this environment.

  • High Availability and Reliability

    StorPool uses a replication mechanism that stores copies of the data on different physical servers. This protects you against drive, server, or other hardware components failure. In case of a failure we use another copy of the data, located on an unaffected server and none of your data is lost or even temporarily unavailable.

  • High Performance

    Your StorPool storage will combine the IOPS performance of all drives in the cluster and optimize drive access patterns to provide low latency and to handle storage usage bursts. The load is distributed equally between all servers.

  • Commodity Hardware usage

    StorPool supports drives and servers in a vendor-agnostic manner, allowing you to avoid vendor lock-in. This allows the use of inexpensive commodity hardware, while preserving reliability and performance requirements. You can mix drives and servers of various types and make in a StorPool cluster.

  • Scale-out System

    With StorPool your storage will scale seamlessly by IOPS, storage capacity and bandwidth. It can grow online, without interruption and in small steps – one drive, one server and one network interface at a time. Our systems start at 10 TB usable and can grow online in the PB range.

  • The only fully managed storage solution

    StorPool is a fully managed solution – we manage the storage system, so that you can focus on your core business. StorPool comes with a reliable dedicated support: remote installation and initial configuration by StorPool’s specialists; 24x7x365 enterprise-grade support with SLA; software updates, proactive monitoring. We are always there to make sure your cloud is up and running.

  • Safest storage system for your data

    StorPool has the most extensive end-to-end data integrity feature on the market. We calculate a checksum right at the client and we store it with the data. This is better protection compared to other systems (e.g. storage RAID).

  • No single points of failure

    StorPool is highly available, due to its fully distributed architecture and no single points of failure. Every component is redundant. We ensure highest amount of up-time possible, by providing triple replication, so that your service is always up and running.

  • High resource utilization (Efficiency)

    The StorPool system is designed to deliver extremely resource efficient storage for your cloud. It saves on compute, networking and storage hardware, in order to deliver the best price/performance ratio, on a total solution cost basis.


At StorPool we know that each cloud or hosting provider has its own needs and requirements. For this reason we support the most common cloud orchestration platforms in the industry.
StorPool storage is integrated with the most used cloud management platforms – OpenStack, CloudStack, OnApp and OpenNebula. Besides them we are also compatible with almost all technologies in the Linux stack. StorPool also has integrations/support for Xen, XenServer, КVM, Docker, Kubernetes, LXC, libvirt, Proxmox, to name the more common ones.
Customers leveraging StorPool Storage with VMware and Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization enjoy the benefits of blazing fast, scale-out and highly available cloud infrastructure. In these stacks we use the iSCSI protocol to connect the storage system to the VMware & Hyper-V hypervisors, with a couple of improvements adding high-availability and extra scalability to the iSCSI sessions.

Comparison between the different storage options for building a public cloud


Local Storage
High Availability
Yes, but At High Cost
Supported Deployments
Segregated: Storage / Compute
DR/Backup Functionality
Yes, but Expensive
No Vendor Lock-in