Intel-StorPool webinar

Webinar: Power-up Your Cloud with Insanely Fast Storage – Intel and StorPool

Intel and StorPool in a joint event

Intel and StorPool are glad to invite you to the webinar: Power-up Your Cloud with Insanely Fast Storage. The joint event hosted by our team and the experts from StorPool will show you a new perspective to the storage. The infrastructure is the underlying layer of success for every cloud provider. So you need to be sure you have the best storage to guarantee your clients speed and reliability.

Building or running a cloud?

Attend this webinar to explore the great impact which an outstanding storage solution can have on your entire public or private cloud. Intel and StorPool have created a production tested solution, which you can use to build faster, safer and more efficient clouds.

Join us to learn how:
  • an outstanding storage solution can improve your entire cloud;
  • reduce costs and eliminate vendor lock-in by using software-defined infrastructure on standard hardware;
  • solve IOPS or latency issues of your applications;
  • get a storage solution capable of delivering 450,000+ IOPS and 0.25 ms latency at less than $40,000;
  • boost your business’ margins and agility.

Boyan Ivanov, CEO of StorPool will tell you more about the storage trends and the best practices in building high-performance storage.


The webinar will be held on 27th of September at 8am PT/11am ET/4pm GMT/5PM CET.


The event will be held live in Brighttalk. The only thing you need to do in order to participate is to register free before the event.

Register for the Webinar


Read a Solution Brief by Intel and StorPool:

Intel and StorPool - Extremely Fast Distributed Storage for Cloud Service Providers

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